How might we tell a story of radical integrity?
Elefant is a financial services and applied analytics startup that needed a brand identity, which captured the company’s vision and unique value proposition. They partnered with Openbox to develop an engaging visual and verbal approach to introduce Elefant to the world, while setting them apart in an increasingly crowded “fintech” landscape.
Client: Elefant
Role: Project Lead, Research, User Testing
Research Process
A mosaic of research techniques were deployed for this project, borrowing as much from the world of ethnography as user experience. In-depth interviews framed an understanding of the essence of the organization and desktop research provided industry-wide context. As website development evolved, our approach evolved to include paper prototyping and user testing.

Research and design were seamlessly intertwined in this project. Findings led to a refined verbal and visual identity, including the tagline “Make Deviation Standard,” which formed the basis for Elefant’s public-facing website, branded collateral and communications.